Thinking of Becoming a Paid Income Tax Preparer?

All professional tax preparers need a Preparer Tax Identification Number to file their clients’ tax returns. 

What is a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) ?
A Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) is an ID number that comes directly from the IRS. All enrolled agents and preparers who plan to file tax returns for paying clients are legally required to have a PTIN. If you work in an office setting where there are many preparers, every individual in the office should have their own PTIN. 

What purpose does it serve? 
In order to lawfully prepare Income Tax Returns for another person, you must pay for and get approved for a PTIN. 

How long does it take to get an PTIN?
The PTIN process typically takes about 10 minutes provided all income tax returns have been filed by the appicanat and there are no outstanding federal felonies. 

How to apply for an EFIN:
Visit the website, create your PTIN account and apply. 

Three Key Steps to Take