Thinking of Becoming an e-File Provider?

What is an EFIN? 
The Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) is a number assigned to a business or organization who has met the criteria for and been accepted to participate in IRS e-file. An EFIN is assigned by the IRS to identify the firms that have completed the e-File application.  

What purpose does it serve? 
In order to lawfully e-File over 11 income Tax Returns in a Calendar Year and Charge a Fee for the service, you must obtain an EFIN and list it on the returns that you file for accountability. An EFIN is required to file tax returns electronically.

How long does it take to get an EFIN?
The EFIN process typically takes about 45 days, so be sure to get started well in advance of tax season. 

How to apply for an EFIN:
Visit the website, create your eServices account and apply. 

Three Key Steps to Take